Family History

I first started researching my family tree way back when it involved a trip to London or county records offices and heaving heavy books off shelves and hunting on microfiche. The first spark came when I went hunting in PC World for  recipe software and came back with a family history program! I filled in my name, my parents names, my grandparents names and came to a grinding halt. I started by ringing my parents who were fortunately alive then and the quest for knowledge began. It has given me a great sense of satisfaction to get as far as I have although there is a great deal more to find out.

Part of our tree is Barnes first found in 1836 in Gloucester, England who married a lady from Cork, Ireland. He had proved very illusive and we cannot find his birth. Our trail leads us to Penarth Wales, Somerset and Cornwall.

My other side originate in Derbyshire with the names Palfreyman and Soult. Some of their brothers and sisters travelled off to the USA to start a new life in Utah. It is from these relatives that I have got much help in expanding this side of my tree.

One of our main interests are irst known in Bray, Berkshire England in 1757 and from then traveling aroundBerks including Reading, Theale and Newbury and then on to London. From the mid's living in Wakefield and then off to South Africa until the present generation which returned to England in the 1960's.

Another interest This line goes back to Italy but sadly I have not yet been able to make inroads beyond this.

The furthest back is 1651 inn the Palfreymann line. Although I have now got links with South Africa and America Another part of our tree is Barnes first found in 1836 in Gloucester. From there our trail leads us to Penarth and the coast guard and then on to Bristol and Plymouth in Devon.

Ahnentafel Report of Charles Louis Daffarn.pdf

The Daffarn side of the family

Joseph and Annie Cortie
Bernard and Georgina Cortie
Charles and Verna Daffarn

Other names of interest are:-
Palfreyman - Derbyshire
Soult - Derbyshire
Smith - Derbyshire
Coe - Derbyshire
Shawcroft - Derbyshire
Clarke - Devon
Warren - Devon
Lobb - Cornwall
Wise - Cornwall
Chick - Somerset
Downing - Birmingham
Keeler - Cork, Ireland
Moran - Belfast, Ireland
Hue - Festubert, France
Ackerman - South Africa Hasler - South Africa

Dorothy Warren with her brother Albert and parents Harry and Dorothy nee Lobb
Dorothy Warren and Harold Barnes wedding

The Barnes Side of the family

Mary Palfreyman nee Walker
Richard and Grace Palfreymen
Constance Emma Soult
George Palfreyman

This is a sampler made by Emma Smith my great great grandmother when she was just 8 years old in 1833.

If you have any links or interests with these names please contact me at